Who I am

Hello! I’m Sara (if that wasn’t obvious enough from my blogs name!) and I would like to welcome you to my little corner of the blogging world. As I write I hope to give you some insight into how I live a simple and sincere life. Loving my family and enjoying making handcrafted items. I am a wife and a mother. I strive to fulfill my duties as a homemaker in a loving and fun manner. I hope you enjoy my ramblings and are able to find inspiration in my words. Thanks for your interest in this itty bitty blog!

15 thoughts on “Who I am”

  1. The Modern Home Economist said:

    I am thrilled to nominate you for The Versatile Blogger Award. You can find more about it here http://themodernhomeeconomist.wordpress.com/2012/03/28/yet-another-surprising-honour/ – yay

  2. Where in the world are you Sarah? πŸ™‚

  3. Hello! I nominated your bolg for the The Versatile Blogger Award, you can view your nomination here: http://woolhogs.wordpress.com/2012/05/05/the-versatile-blogger-award-nomination/

  4. oopsie….I mean your BLOG!

  5. Hi! I have nominated you for the ‘Wonderful Team Member Readership Award’I hope you feel able to accept this award but anyway please regard it as an appreciation of your blog and your interaction with other blogs.

    You can view your nomination here: http://rainbowjunkiecorner.wordpress.com/2012/09/15/wonderful-team…adership-award/ .

  6. Hi! I’m nominating you for the Liebster award I hope you feel able to accept it and pass it on to others but anyway please regard it as an appreciation of your blog.

    You can view your nomination and the associate ‘rules’ here: http://wp.me/p2jiKY-xT

  7. I knw you are busy being pregnant at the moment but I have decided to award you the ‘Blog of the Year 2012’ award. You can find the details including the rules on my blog:- http://rainbowjunkiecorner.wordpress.com/2013/01/13/blog-of-the-year-2012-award/
    Thank you for all the pleasure I have had from reading your blog this past year.

    • Thank you so much!!! I’m hoping to get back into blogging regularly in the next few months. I am so glad that you have enjoyed following along with my little life. I really appreciate you and all of my other readers!

  8. I’ve nominated you for the Super Sweet Blogging Award because I think you have a sweet blog and deserve recognition. ‘I hope you

    feel able to accept it and pass it on to others but anyway please regard it as an appreciation of your blog.

    You can view your nomination and the associate ‘rules’ here:-


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